IVN Quality Seals
Why you should look for our label
Critical consumers want to be assured that products claiming to be sustainable truly meet standards of social accountability and environmental protection. For food stuffs throughout the EU, this assurance is provided by the “Bio”-seal which clearly defines in detail the terms „organic“ and „ecological“ as they apply to food.This seal does not apply to textiles and leather. To date, every manufacturer can apply his own definitions to these claims. In contrast, the IVN quality seal attests at a glance that the labelled product is guaranteed to have been manufactured in an ecological and socially responsible way, that it is free of harmful substances and that it is high quality.
IVN certified BEST
This standard sets the highest requirements for textile ecology by applying the maximum currently achievable levels of ecological production. BEST documents the entire production chain from both an ecological and social accountability standpoint.
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IVN certified
NATURLEDER is Europe’s only quality standard for sustainable leather. The quality seal NATURLEDER IVN ZERTIFIZIERT attests that the labeled products represent a very high level of ecology and quality.
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Global Organic
Textile Standard
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is an internationally established standard that sets worldwide parameters for ecology and social accountability in textile manufacturing.
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For those whose personal ethics include a respect for health, who believe in protecting water, air and soil, for whom it is important that people all over the world have decent work conditions and that animals are held respectfully, for those who choose quality over mass consumption, products certified as „NATURTEXTIL zertifiziert BEST“, „GOTS“ and „NATURLEDER zertifiziert“ are the only logical and appropriate choice.