Goals and Mission

www.disana.de - Kollektion 2016
IVN’s main goal is to create an aware­ness for ecology, social accoun­ta­bi­lity, health issues and quality. To support businesses opera­ting in sustainable manufac­tu­ring of textiles and leather goods is its primary mission. Our members have committed themselves to making products which pose no danger neither for the health of consu­mers nor for that of persons involved in the produc­tion of textile or leather products.

For many years now, IVN has functioned as the voice of the industry, informing the press and the public about the diffe­rence between sustainable natural textiles and leather as compared to conven­tional products.  We provide infor­ma­tion on subjects such as environ­mental relief, natural resource protec­tion, social accoun­ta­bi­lity, fairness in business, protec­tion of the species or trans­pa­rency and advise on hazards to health and issues of quality.

On behalf of our members in commerce and industry, we provide public relations with the goal of furthe­ring an appre­cia­tion of natural textiles and leather goods and incre­asing the aware­ness for sustainable products in the market. By the same token, we safeguard the correct use of our quality seals.

We campaign political insti­tu­tions on behalf of the natural textile and natural leather industry.  Our role is prima­rily to ensure that the political and legal frame­work for our segment is neither watered down in favour of profits nor too strongly oriented towards global players. We are parti­cu­larly attuned to small and mid-size businesses.