A professional association succeeds or fails with its members. This is true for IVN, too.That is why the general membership meeting (MV) is the central body of the association. This general meeting takes place regularly once a year. At this time, committee members for IVN’s central committees are elected for two year terms. Their task it is to keep the association functioning: the executive board, the guidelines committee and the supervisory committee. As of 2006, all committees are actively supported by the IVN business office.
We would like to introduce ourselves.
Executive board
The executive board of IVN conducts the association’s business. It defines the strategic direction and represents the association. It is responsible for finances, convenes the annual general meeting and implements its resolutions.
Guidelines Committee
This committee is responsible for developing and updating IVN guidelines for the manufacture of natural textiles and natural leather goods. The committee is reviewing, supplementing and updating IVN guidelines on an ongoing basis to reflect newest technical developments.
Supervisory Committee
The supervisory committee monitors compliance of certified businesses with IVN guidelines and determines the measures to be applied in the case of non-compliance.