Supervisory Committee

The super­vi­sory committee monitors compli­ance of certi­fied businesses with IVN guide­lines and deter­mines the measures to be applied in the case of non-compliance.

As speci­fied in the by-laws, this committee can tempo­r­a­rily suspend members.
The super­vi­sory committee consists of three persons who cannot at the same time be members of the execu­tive board or another committee.

The super­vi­sory committee includes the follo­wing members:

Dr. Cornelia Voß
Presi­dent of the committee

Wissen­schafts­laden Bonn e. V.
Busch­straße 85
D – 53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0) 228 / 201 61 50


Herr Herbert Ladwig
Legal expert

Haußmann­straße 1
D – 70188 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0) 711 / 636 56 10


Robert Hertel

Indus­trie­straße 9
D – 91325 Adelsdorf
Phone: +49 (0) 9195 / 947 60


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