Press area

Do you have questions regar­ding IVN, sustaina­bi­lity in the produc­tion chain, our quality seals or our members? Our office is happy to support you by finding a compe­tent inter­view partner or by provi­ding current news coverage, research or appro­priate images.

Press review

Publi­ca­tions regar­ding the Inter­na­tio­nalen Verband der Natur­tex­til­wirt­schaft, our quality seals and our member firms.

Press reports

We write about subjects relating to sustaina­bi­lity in the textile and leather industry

Images and Logos

Infor­ma­tion regar­ding the use of our logos and downloa­ding images and seals

Press files

Basic infor­ma­tion and overview of the associa­tion in a conve­nient pdf file.

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