
We view our associa­tion as a large family. For us, tradi­tion, solida­rity, and respon­si­bi­lity are of prime signi­fi­cance, together with progress and trans­pa­rency. Our work carries these values into the natural textile movement which includes consu­mers. Our core value, protec­ting, preser­ving and respec­ting nature and the indivi­dual, is reflected in all our activi­ties and in our quality seals.


Ecology and environ­mental aware­ness are the highest priority for IVN. Conven­tional textile produc­tion uses hazar­dous chemi­cals in manufac­tu­ring and proces­sing which pollute air and water and endanger life in general and health in parti­cular. An ecolo­gical and natural produc­tion of raw materials together with sustainable proces­sing are the response we give and the solution we seek.

Social Accoun­ta­bi­lity

The associa­tion believes it is important for businesses to take their respon­si­bi­lity towards both their employees and external stake­hol­ders seriously. Fair wages, a respect for human rights and workplace security are the focal point of our work.


Our members have committed themselves to making products which pose no danger neither for the health of consu­mers nor for that of persons involved in the produc­tion of textile or leather products. This prima­rily requires the use of health compa­tible chemi­cals in all stages of textile and leather produc­tion, begin­ning with natural fibres and leather, inclu­ding dying, tanning, finis­hing and other proces­sing stages.

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