Our Members

At present, just under 100 compa­nies have joined together in IVN. The corpo­rate philo­sophy for all our members includes respect for the environ­ment, a prono­unced social respon­si­bi­lity, a high quality standard and consumer protection.

As our members include businesses all along the produc­tion chain inclu­ding commerce and service indus­tries, our list of members is subdi­vided into these categories.

Retailers / outlet stores

This list includes stores specia­li­zing in natural textiles, super­mar­kets, retailers for sustainable goods, fashion bouti­ques as well as factory outlets. The list includes which type of products and which brands are available in each.


There is a large variety of compa­nies that produce textiles or leather goods. Which products can be found under which brand are listed here.

Mail order companies

This list includes member firms which offer products for mail order. Links direct you to members’ on-line shops.

Service Indus­tries

Service indus­tries include agencies that certify textiles and leather goods accor­ding to IVN standards, consul­ting firms, publishers and associa­tions. The specific services offered is listed.

Suppliers along the produc­tion chain

This list includes products and services of compa­nies involved in one or more proces­sing stages along the produc­tion chain. This could be, for example, suppliers of fibre, spinners, weavers, finis­hers, dyers, printers, manufac­tu­rers or suppliers of notions and access­ories such as buttons or tapes.

Supporting members

Indivi­duals can also be members of our associa­tion. Their contri­bu­tions support our work. In return, they gain insights into current develo­p­ments in sustainable textiles.